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Monday, March 1, 2010

CSI Miami S08E01 - “Out of Time” - Season 8 Episode 1

CSI Miami TV Episodes 1 for season 8. This CSI Miami episode summary are as below and it has been extracted from www.tv.com/csi-maimi/out-of-time/. If you interested to watch CSI Miami Online, you should be able to find something on YouTube if you search hard enough J CSI Miami DVD for CSI Miami Season 1, CSI Miami Season 2, CSI Miami Season 3, CSI Miami Season 4, CSI Miami Season 5, CSI Miami Season 6 and CSI Miami Season 7 are also out and if you are really a huge CBS CSI Miami fan, you should really purchase all of them. I have friends who enjoy using CSI Miami ringtone but for me personally give me heart attack when the phone rings. You might be able to download CSI Miami episodes online and search for CSI Miami new episode torrent as well but do it at your own risk. You should be able to find CSI Miami schedule, CSI Miami air dates and when the CSI Miami new episode airing from CBS website. Some people who is keen on getting the CSI Miami transcripts can also find on the web easily from google search. If you like CSI Miami computer, the cool screen and all the technology, you can find the CSI Miami Demo somewhere as well. Hope you enjoy watching the CSI Miami full episodes online.

Horatio and Calleigh, along with a cadre of police, search the swamps for the missing Eric. Eric stumbles through the swamp, finally finding a road and an emergency roadside phone. After he collapses, Horatio and the search team find him and he's rushed to the hospital. As Eric fights for his life, the scene switches back twelve years to 1997. Eric is working as a salvage truck driver, and he comes across an abandoned BMW in the swamp. He winches the car out from the water and discovers a woman's body in the trunk.

Horatio arrives at the crime scene without his trademark sunglasses, and as he inspects the body, he figures out a few things about the victim. Horatio talks to the victim's husband to tell him of his wife's death. The husband (Steve) claims that he was about to report her missing. He'd had been on a business trip but when he tried to call her, she didn't answer. Horatio's partner, Sullivan ("Sully"), searches the house and finds a box of bullets with a few of them missing, which implicates Steve. However, Horatio notices that there's mud at back door, while Steve's shoes are clean. It could mean that someone else had been in the house. Sully ignores Horatio and brings Steve in to the station for questioning.

Meanwhile, during Amy's autopsy, Alex removes a bullet from Amy's skull, and the bullet matches with the bullets found at Steve's house.

Calleigh arrives for her first day of work at the station. Her new boss is Detective Dorsey. She also meets Jesse Cardoza, who explains that today's his last day. Cardoza still helps out with the investigation, however, going to the suspect's house to search for evidence. The walls in the house have been wiped clean so he checks behind some baseboard molding and uncovers traces of blood.

Horatio and Calleigh meet, with Dorsey claiming that the bullets found in Amy's body were a match for the ones found in Steve's house. Calleigh counters the statement, saying that bullets from the same factory would of course have similar characteristics to each other, but they might not be a perfect match. Horatio hears from Tripp (who is still a patrol officer). Tripp says that there have been reports of a peeping tom lurking near the house, which pushes the theory that there could've been another person around at the time of Amy's death. The culprit in question is a man named Arnold Hollings, who was hired as a landscaper by Amy.

Arnold is brought into the station for questioning, where he confesses to seeing Amy in the shower. Horatio thinks he might be the killer, but Sully claims that Steve lied about going on a business trip. He has been having an affair and killed Amy to get rid of her.

Eric brings Amy's car down to the station, and he and Calleigh meet for the first time. Eric, suavely attempts to flirt with Calleigh, asking her for her phone number. Calleigh laughs him off. When Horatio arrives, Eric tells him that he's been searching for the perfect pair of sunglasses for him. Horatio and Calleigh notice that the airbag on the car was deployed, so whomever drove the car into the water has airbag residue on them.

Horatio finds the residue on Arnold's clothes but not Steve's. He goes to the DA to present the evidence, but the DA says that the clue doesn't prove that Arnold was the driver, only that he was in a car when the airbag got activated. The DA also says that Sullivan was already here and that Steve has been charged with murder.

Eric and Horatio examine a guard rail which has paint streaks from Amy's car on it, and nearby Horatio finds footprints in the mud, suggesting that someone had tossed something away. Eric searches the area nearby and finds a gun. Horatio asks Cardoza to help reconstruct the crime at the scene. With blood spattered on the wall, they deduce that the air conditioning was on, which means that the killer would have Amy's blood on him.

They examine Arnold, who has evidence of blood in his nostrils, which seems to be enough evidence to prosecute him, but the defense side says that it can't be admissible if there isn't enough for both the prosecution and defense side to examine. Horatio brings the blood sample to a friend in the FBI he hopes will help. Agent Reeve, assisted by Agent Boa Vista, is able to dilute the blood sample enough for both sides to use as evidence. Reeve also discovers that the blood does match Amy's. This is enough to allow for Steve's release from jail. And Eric offers Horatio a pair of titanium sunglasses with polarized lenses.

Back in the present day, Eric finally regains consciousness, with Horatio and Calleigh at his side in the hospital room.

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